- All
- Private Sector-led Schemes (43)
- Government-led Schemes (7)
- Indigenous-led Schemes (3)
Welcome to the Marketplace for Nature maps of voluntary biodiversity credit initiatives across the globe. For these maps, we’ve been rigorous in only including voluntary biodiversity credit initiatives rather than carbon credit initiatives that have biodiversity co-benefits. We’ve excluded compliance initiatives such as regulatory biodiversity offset programs, many of which have been in operation for decades. You’ll notice the initiatives are at program level only at this stage. Some programs have multiple projects underway. In the future, we hope to add project level information to these maps. Lastly, the dots on the maps are to signify the country of origin of each initiative rather than their applicability. Some initiatives are local to a region or country, others apply globally – that detail is in the descriptor for each initiative. Click on the dots to bring up more detail about each program. There’s more information about our maps and the decision choices around what’s been included and what hasn’t in the “about the maps” tab.
For integrity reasons, we have included only publicly available information rather than personal communications. However, the maps are designed as a resource that will be added to over time as the market develops, so please reach out to us if you have an initiative that’s not publicly available or that we haven’t included in these maps and you’d like it to be included. And, if you’ve been included in these maps but you’d like to update the information about your initiative, we’re very happy to do that, just let us know.
We hope the maps are useful.
Social Carbon
Credit Name: Nature Stewardship Credit
Location: Global (origin: UK)
Private Sector-led Program
Status: In development (Standard / Methodology in development or under consultation)
Size per Credit: 1 ha | Price per Credit: Unknown
Trading Volume: Unknown
Description: Social Carbon, a carbon NbS standard administrator, is developing a framework to enable projects to generate Nature Stewardship Credits (NSCs). Each NSC will be a measurable unit representing the sustainable conservation and/or
restoration of one hectare of natural ecosystem over a 1-year period.
The framework is currently being piloted through two projects – one with First Nations in Canada and another in Zambia that focuses on community-led conservation and forest restoration.
Website: https://www.socialcarbon.org/
Other references: N/A
Entry last updated: 24 Jan 2025